For Rs 6.5 billion, the federal government has agreed to sell the Air Force of Pakistan the engineering division of PIA.
The government’s cabinet will be given a summary of this decision.
Valuation and Liabilities
The Precision Engineering Complex (PEC) is valued at Rs 6.5 billion.
This includes Rs 4 billion in pension-related liabilities for current and retired employees.
Payment Plan by Pakistan Air Force
The Pakistan Air Force will:
Over the following five years, make a cash payment of Rs 2.5 billion.
Cover Rs 3 billion in pension and provident fund liabilities for 259 employees retiring in the next decade.
Take responsibility for Rs 1.1 billion in estimated pension and provident fund liabilities of 251 current employees.
Role of PEC
The national airline’s PEC division specializes in producing high-precision components for the military and other sectors.
Approval Process
The handover of PEC to the Pakistan Air Force, which will cost Rs 6.5 billion in total, was initially approved by a presidential commission.